

I've been long for an amazing profile, fancyful without gaud, overall but profound.

I've been wondering around all day long, but could not figure out a satisfying one.

Then I thought of my homework for my Advanced Wrting course -- a Personal Statement, which, generally, explains my thoughts in an artful way.

It may be kind of formal, or oriented, but it exactly illustrates what I'm zealous for.

Now I'm going to present it to you.

Late-night Thoughts
“What a tiring day!” I staggered into my dormitory, unloaded my heavy school bag and sank into my chair.
“I’ve been through courses during the whole morning, a volleyball game after my scanty lunch, and then courses of the whole afternoon, and two hours of rehearsal in alto just now. But I still have a poster of a concert to design, a newsletter of a class activity to write, and my homework!”
Head in arms, I could hear my voice fill the whole world, flooding over me.
“You’ve always been so busy…Why are you always so unkind to yourself?”
My roommate, who had just done her homework and played video games freely for a whole day, tucked in her covers and yawned.“If you are tired, take a bath, go to your bed, and leave your tasks to tomorrow. No other way. Good night.”
Lights were off and dark flooded in. I lay flat on my one-meter-wide bed, my body so weak but my brain wide-awake.
Why am I always so unkind to myself? Why am I always that busy? My roommate’s words made me wondering.
My mind flashed to my past memories.
I could remember when I was in primary school, I started to learn vocality and practice the piano, so the ability to keep a balance between my academy and art training had accompanied me since then. Also, helping in my mother’s oral clinic during my summer vacation gave me the opportunity to get familiar with medical tasks. I could remember when I was in high school, I became the leader of Live Music club in my school, usually conducting rehearsals and performing excellent shows. Meanwhile, playing in the volleyball game or writing activity schemes had never been absent of my school life, but I had never been slack off with my study, and I was admitted into USTC after the college entrance exam.
Then I come into conclusion that actually I love to be that “busy”. It is a great pleasure to try so many different things, including physical activities, art training and academic learning.
So, is that what you want to be? I asked myself in darkness.
No. there is still one part missing.
With variable activities enriching my school life, I hoped I can pursue what I wanted to achieve in academic fields with more vigor and vitality, just as I had done in primary school and high school. Thanks for the experience of staying with my mother in the oral clinic and the information on orthodoxy she could provide, I was introduced to biomechanics when I was so young. With the obsession of orthodoxy and biomechanics from my childhood, I was always dreamed to make great discoveries, to invent high-end techniques and finally to contribute to my mother’s career as well as my academic achievement.
This night, dark and quiet, was a perfect time to think over myself.
To some degree, an intersection has similarity with a well-rounded personality, both combines various kinds of knowledge and forms new concepts of itself. Though the process of building them can be tough, it is worth making great efforts to achieve an ideal statement. With passion and love, I will spare no effort to study what I like, and at the same time, be a well-rounded person.